Information & patient leaflets
The information and supportive leaflets below are available to download (as a PDF).
Please do contact us if you can't find what you are looking for.
How can I access your services?
Please see our webpage about how to refer to Arthur Rank Hospice Charity services:
Where can I find out more about the Inpatient Unit at the Hospice?
Please visit our webpage:
Where can I find out more about the Living Well Service?
Please visit our webpage:
Where can I find out more about things I can do to live well?
Where can I find out more about bereavement support?
Where can I find out more about swollen arms and legs and Lymphoedema Services?
Please visit our webpage:
Where can I find out more about services in the Wisbech area?
Please see our webpage about the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre in Wisbech:
Where can I find out more about pain management?
Please see our webpage:
Where can I find out more about caring for someone who wants to be cared for at home?
Please see our webpage about the Hospice at Home Team:
Please see our webpage about our Specialist Palliative Care Home Team:
Where can I find out more about services to support a young person who needs to move to adult hospice services?
Please see our webpage:
Where can I find out more about support for someone who is lonely?
Please see our webpage about our Caring Communities Service:
Where can I find out more about support for Carers?
Please see our webpage:
You may also find the Help at Hand App useful too:
What do I do if I am concerned about a safeguarding issue?
We are members of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health alliance
The member organisations of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health Alliance recognise their responsibilities to keep the people who use their services safe from harm and abuse. We are therefore committed to ensuring the highest possible standards of quality and safety in line with the Care Act 2014.
The Health Alliance will work with its statutory partners and funders to ensure that Health Alliance member organisations have robust and effective safeguarding standards and measures in place. Health Alliance organisations deliver a vast range of voluntary and community services and vary hugely in size and capacity.
The measures will therefore be proportionate and clearly address the safeguarding requirements of the services they deliver. The infrastructure organisations and Health Alliance team will assist in developing resources that help the sector navigate and more easily understand these requirements.
If you know someone who is being cared for by any of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity services and you are concerned that they may be experiencing any form of abuse or neglect, please tell us as soon as possible.
We will always start by asking the person who needs help what we can do to make things better.
Principles of Adult Safeguarding: Empowerment, Protection, Prevention, Proportionality, Partnership and Accountability.
At Arthur Rank Hospice you can talk to any member of staff or Sharon Allen, CEO and Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Safeguarding Lead.
Telephone: 01223 675850
The Cambridgeshire County Council Customer Services Centre, Telephone: 0345 045 5202.
How can I hire your Meeting and Conference Centre?
Please see our webpage here:
How can I show my appreciation?
It will cost £12.12 million to run our services in 2023/2024.
Contracted services from the NHS are budgeted at £7.33 million.
With the help of our community, we need to raise a further £4.79 million through donations, fundraising activities, retail sales, The Education and Conference Centre and Bistro. If we fail to meet this target the difference will, reluctantly, have to be taken from our limited reserves.
Sustaining services for people in our community is our focus and therefore we are extremely grateful to everyone who demonstrates their dedication, commitment and generosity and helps protect our reserves for the future.
There are many ways our supporters help us to raise funds to enable us to continue to deliver vital services to patients and their loved ones across Cambridgeshire.
Below are some examples of how people show their appreciation:
- Feedback
Feedback is really important to us. We regularly receive lots of complimentary emails, cards, letters and comments from people who have been part of our services.
It is also important for us to know how we can make our services better. You can feedback using our feedback form here:
You may wish to become part of our Hospice User Group (HUG). Find out more here:
- Volunteer
The Charity relies on the kindness of over 600 volunteers who donate their time to help us. They take on many different roles such as meeting and greeting people to our Charity, in our shops, drivers, marshal at our events and many many more.
Please see our current volunteer vacancies here:
- Make a donation
In person or online – via the card readers in the Hospice or via the donation envelopes.
- Leaving a precious gift in their Will
Please visit our website or contact Rachael Brown / 01223 675881
- Buy from or donate to our shops
In Burleigh Street, Mill Road, Regent Street, Cottenham and Great Shelford and Retail Hub (Sawston) – /
- Join our lottery –
Arthur Rank Hospice take part in a weekly lottery draw, a fun and exciting way to support the charity while giving you the opportunity to win cash prizes! Please visit
- Donate from our Amazon wish list
- Organise a fundraising event
Please visit our website or email / or call 01223 675888
- Take part in one of our flagship fundraising events
- Christmas Tree Recycling Scheme (January)
- Star Shine Night Walk (May)
- Bridge the Gap (September)
- Light up a life (December)
- Get your company involved
Whether it is a one-off fundraiser you are interested in holding, volunteering your time as a company to help at one of our events, taking part in a team challenge or even choosing us as your Charity of the Year, we are here to support you along your fundraising journey.
You may wish to host one of our collection tins.
- Hire our venue for your meeting or conference
You may choose to hold a meeting or an event at our Education & Conference Centre which offers modern purpose-built facilities. Every booking made helps us to fund specialist care for our patients and their families. Please visit our website
- Christmas Tree Recycling
Every January a team of volunteers, staff and local businesses come together to collect real Christmas Trees from households in Cambridgeshire in return for a donation. In 2023 3,500 trees were collected raising a staggering £62,000 for vital hospice services.
You can help us by registering your tree, encourage your friends and family to register their tree, volunteer on the day or get your local business involved.
- Star Shine walk (May)
Each May the Charity invites individuals, groups of friends and colleagues, and families to join us on a 5 or 10km walk around the City.
- Bridge the Gap (September)
Bridge the Gap has historically hosted upwards of 2,000 walkers annually. Each person attracted by the chance to see highlights in the City, including the stunning Cambridge University Colleges and their beautifully manicured gardens, many areas which are not usually open to the public.
- Light up a Life
These special annual events are an important opportunity for people in our community to gather together and to look ahead with hope whilst remembering those they love or reflect on current challenges.
- Keep in touch
You can also keep in touch via our quarterly newsletters and Arthur’s Update which is emailed each month to you. Please sign up here:
You will also find out about our raffles and you may wish to buy and share our raffle tickets with your friends and family.
Where can I find support to arrange a funeral?
There are many local funeral directors who are able to support you through the process.
Legacy of Lives support online also.
Where can I find out more about planning for my future and end of life?
Where can I get free legal advice?
Face to Face appointments – we can offer free face-to-face Will writing and legal advice appointments with local solicitors who have kindly offered a certain amount of appointments each month.
To book one of these appointments just contact Rachael, Future Gifts Manager on 01223 675881 or email
Where can I find out more about the Charity?
Our quarterly postal Newsletter and six-weekly e-mail ‘Arthur’s Update‘ share our latest news, exciting updates on service development and fundraising initiatives, plus essential dates for your diary!
You can sign up to receive news or download the latest newsletter here: