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Life Celebration Work and Creative Activities

Our Life Celebration and Creative Activities Coordinator and her team of volunteers can work with our patients and carers to document and share their stories.

Female smiling at the camera near a table with papers and crafts
Faith help Laine, a patient attending our Living Well Service, choses the card she wants to use in a creative project
Scrapbook and photos with a man looking at them
A mother and her daughter with their hand-cast
A lady holding a piece of chocolate cake explains her scrap book choices to a volunteer in the Living Well Services lounge
A lady with red hair and a head scarf in a wheelchair chats to a volunteer in Living Well Service lounge
Male sitting in a chair looking at an ipad

As well as accessing our specialist team who can provide support to help manage symptoms and live well, our Life Celebration & Creative Activities Coordinator guides creative therapy sessions allowing patients to discover a new talent or enjoy a long-forgotten hobby.

We encourage patients to talk about their lives and explore ways in which they might like to leave something which celebrates life-moments, for family or loved ones.  

Some of the things we do:

  • Memory and Connection Boxes are a way for you to leave behind those things that matter and which can tell a bit more of your story.
  • Scrap booking enables you to record your life and memories, using creativity. We run scrap book groups both in person and virtually where you can meet with others to share your scrap book life stories.
  • After Cloud is a free to use app that enables you to leave your memories and life story digitally and we can support you with creating your life story through a digital platform.
  • Goodbye letters and cards can be a personal way of saying goodbye and our team are here to support you and enable you to create the right thing and find the right words to say.
  • We provide a space where you can discover your creative goals, through a variety of different activities. We can provide some limited materials and may be able to post some out to you.
  • Hand casting is a way of leaving behind a plaster cast of your hand or the entwined hands of you and your loved ones. We are only able to offer one cast per family with a maximum of 4-5 people per cast but this is an interactive way of creating a lasting and intimate memory.
  • Finger printing hearts also use plaster to capture handprints.

Life Story work

We can listen to and record your life story so that your experiences are not lost but will be left for future generations and given to you as a written record. We also offer life story group sessions as part of our online offer, where you can take part in sharing your story with others as part of an interactive discussion via zoom.

51 Questions is a great a way to help you and your family discuss and create your own life story, using cards and answering questions together.

Download the 51 Questions to use with a family or friend.