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Complementary Therapy

Treatment tailored to each person may involve a single therapy or a combination of therapies.

The team offer Aromatherapy (including Aromasticks), Holistic Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Zero Balancing, The M Technique and Indian Head Massage 

Male sitting on a chair talking to a female nurse

Our approach 

Our team of complementary therapists tailor programmes to each person’s needs.  Sessions provide a safe space where patients and their carers can take a little time out of their daily challenges and achieve a sense of wellbeing.

Treatments may help alleviate many common symptoms such as pain, nausea, insomnia, muscular aches and low mood.  We aim to offer the maximum benefit whilst disturbing the client as little as possible: comfort is everything. 


Upon receiving a referral for Complementary Therapy, a team member will call the patient or their loved one and complete a brief assessment over the phone.   

At this point we will book the first appointment and then take further details, in person, at the first session.


The team are able to provide complementary therapies to patients on the Inpatient Unit, as part of the Living Well Services, for patients in the community (within a 20-mile radius) and in our bespoke treatment rooms in the Bradbury Wellness suite at the Hospice.

We also treat family members and loved ones who are referred through to our team, who may benefit from the therapies we offer.


In addition, the team offer telephone support, aromatherapy advice and aroma sticks and have put together some online video demonstrations.

These videos include ‘How to give a hand massage’, ‘How to give yourself a hand massage’ and a ‘Facial refresher’ video, which may improve your wellbeing, or that of your loved one.

Each video offers step by step guides and are simple to follow. Do click on the arrow in the videos below to watch them.

We hope they are enjoyable and provide you with some additional techniques to support your loved one and your own care.

The Complementary Therapy Sessions have been blissful.  While my husband has been going to the Living Well Service, this time has allowed me a chance to have some head space. I am so grateful

Patient's Wife


How many people do the complementary team support?

From April 2022 to the end of March 2023, 220 people were known to and/or treated by the Complementary Team.

Therapies we can offer include aromatherapyZero Balancing, Reiki, Reflexology and therapeutic massage (including Indian Head Massage)  

More in-depth information about each of these therapies can be found in the Complementary Therapy leaflet, which is available to download above.   

We provide outpatient appointments in bespoke therapy rooms in the Hospice’s Bradbury Wellness Centre, on the Inpatient Unit, in people’s own homes or as part of the Living Well Service programme  

There is no set duration for a treatment, although they rarely last longer than an hour, this is your time.  

If you are currently using an Arthur Rank Hospice service, you or your loved ones are welcome to enquire about treatments.  Please ask the doctor or nurse providing your care, to refer you.  

Once a referral has been made the team will be in touch within a week to allocate an appointment or give an indication of when you are likely to be seen.  For more information, please visit How and when to seek a referral or call the team on 01223 675824.

The service is free of charge, but if you would like to make a donation towards your treatment, please let your complementary therapist know, or click here to donate 

Thanks to the dedication, commitment and generosity of the local community and the hard work of our senior leadership team to secure vital contracts with the NHSall our services are free of charge.     

It will cost £11.51 millionthis financial year to operate our services. Contracted services from the NHS are budgeted at £7.07 million,  meaning that £4.44 million needs to be raised through donationsfundraising activities and trading.

We are extremely grateful to our local community for the continual dedication, commitment and generosity they show in supporting us to meet this target.

Occupational Therapist Marianna in her uniform, smiling

Marianna, Complementary Therapist  

Marianna Armstrong is one of the team offering complementary therapies to patients and their families or loved ones. She says: “Complementary therapies provide people with the space to achieve a sense of wellbeing. It is a real privilege to be able to help them feel relaxed and nurtured, which in turn impacts on their quality of life.” Discover more about Marianna in our colleague story.