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Creative Hospice Nurse recognised for her talents

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“Many thanks for your kind support and all you have done to make my life easier and more positive” is just one of the many comments the Charity has received, from patients and their families, for Faith Macrow, our Nurse and  Life Celebration and Creative Activities Coordinator.

This role requires multiple talents and skill and thankfully Faith has bucket loads of that. These are just some of the reasons why she was recently nominated and presented with the Cavell Trust Award.

The Cavell Star Awards is a national awards programme which awards nurses, midwives, nursing associates and healthcare assistants who show exceptional care to their colleagues, patients or the patients’ families.

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Katie Williams, who also received a Cavell Trust Award in 2020,  explains more about why Faith was nominated:

Female wearing a dark blue nurse uniform sitting in front of a pink wall

“Faith has had many nursing roles within the Hospice. She has worked as a Hospice at Home Nurse caring for patients within their own homes, on the Inpatient Unit and in Living Well Service.

Her experiences in Hospice at Home enable her to offer wisdom and insight into aspects of care at home and she is able share these experiences effectively with patients. This experience is hugely helpful when considering their wishes as part of ‘Preferred Priorities of Care’ as she is able to offer examples of great practice which patients can understand, and often with her own style of quirky humour. Patients and families can relate to the experiences which allows them to consider what they might want for their own care.

Working shifts on the Inpatient Unit keep her clinical skills up to date and effective. She is always a welcome addition on the ward particularly when Living Well patients are admitted, and already know Faith, as this helps relieve their anxiety.

Faith always has ideas to develop the service, with patients and families in mind, working together with both to achieve great support. She does this with discussion, humility, creativity, great listening, humour and considerable support of any patients. She particularly likes to work with patients who have multiple health issues and or suffer with mental health difficulties, have difficult backgrounds or home circumstances. She feels it is so important to champion those who are less fortunate or from marginalised backgrounds and is always inclusive.

Faith is great to work with and always open to ideas, change and supportive of her colleagues.”

2 nurses

Faith was both surprised and thrilled to be presented the award during a team meeting and was keen to show it to the patients at the Living Well Service.

Faith commented:

“ I was so touched to receive the Cavell award for nursing. The timing was amazing as I am about leave my nursing role at the Hospice, although I will continue a bank nurse contract, and will remain in my loved job as Life Celebration and Creative Activities Coordinator with the Charity.

I first began working at the Hospice, initially as a volunteer, helping other nurses run an Oncology Support Group from Addenbrookes hospital. I later volunteered with the Patient and Family Support Team as a Counsellor and have nursed in a variety of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity roles.

I have loved my time here, most especially my last four years in the Living Well Service as a Nurse – our team are amazing.  This has given me so many skills including in wellbeing, and seeing patients identify goals and work towards them is wonderful.  I have learned so much from patients and families in every area of my work”.

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity has a special team of staff who becoming regularly recognised by the Cavell Trust Awards. In 2020 Gemma Irvine and Katie Williams received an award for going above and beyond in the Living Well Service. Earlier in 2022 Jenny Oakes was recognised for her extra support to colleagues on the Inpatient Unit and now Faith Macrow has also joined this exceptional group of people.

If you would like to find out more about how you can join our team at Arthur Rank Hospice please see our website

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If you would like to sponsor a nurse please visit or telephone 01223 675888.