Living Well Services
Supporting patients living with a life-limiting condition through a range of therapeutic activities and groups or via one to one consultations with our specialist team.
Supporting patients living with a life-limiting condition through a range of therapeutic activities and groups or via one to one consultations with our specialist team.
Living Well Services offers a range of support on different days. Before you start to attend Living Well, we do a holistic assessment to find out which session will suit you best. We spend time discovering what is important to you and shape goals together which will make a real difference to your everyday life.
Our Living Well services were previously known as Day Therapy. The rebrand took place following consultation with patients, relatives, healthcare colleagues and volunteers.
Take a look at the videos from our clinical experts further below to support you to live well. Feel free to share with your family and friends.
You can also download a PDF copy of further support which may be referred to in the videos HERE.
Living Well cares for adults in Cambridgeshire.
Referrals can come from any healthcare professional so long as the patient has provided consent.
For further information, please visit How and when to seek a referral or call the team on 01223 675777.
Everyone who visits us at the Hospice comments about what a bright and friendly place it is: “a home from home”.
Patients and their families comment on the pleasant environment and how safe they feel.
You can hear the trees and the birds from our lovely sunny Bistro and enjoy the smells of the flowering gardens. Many find that it is quite the opposite of what they had imagined.
You can visit us on one of our Hospice Open Days if you would like to come and see what its like for yourself.
Please see our series of videos at the bottom of this webpage which include:
Introduction to Breathlessness
You can also download a PDF copy of further support which may be referred to in the videos HERE
You can find out more about services within Arthur Rank Hospice Charity by downloading a PDF copy of information here: *Further Help From Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
and more information and signposting by downloading a PDF copy of information here: *Further Support And Resources
*These information sheets may have been referred to at the Living Well Service sessions.
You can find out about a free will writing service with Farewills here
You can download a PDF leaflet about Distraction Techniques HERE
You can download a PDF leaflet about Relaxation Techniques in Pain Management HERE
You can download a PDF leaflet with Advice on using a TENS machine HERE
You can download a PDF leaflet with information about Steroids, Muscle Weakness and Exercises HERE
283 people were known to and/or supported by our Living Well Services between April 2021 and March 2022.
Thanks to the dedication, commitment and generosity of the local community and the hard work of our senior leadership team to secure vital contracts with the NHS, all our services are free of charge.
Please visit our webpage (click here) to find out more about how we are funded.
If it is possible for a family member or friend to bring you that would be best.
If this is not possible there may be a local Community Car Share scheme near you.
If this is not an option we may be able to support you with a volunteer driver or a taxi. We welcome any donations towards the cost of this.
You can contact us on 01223 675820 to discuss any of the options above.
Our Charity’s Strategy includes being aware of our resources, environment and green credentials and working towards a net zero carbon approach. You can read all about how we consider Being Green here:
You can return any NRS issued walking aids (and other small items of equipment) to any of the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Household Recycling Centres when you no longer need them.
There are specific NRS labelled bins for the walking aids to be placed in, NRS collect them and refurbish them for re-issue, or, if they are past refurbishment, ensure they go into the correct metal recycling streams.
Walking aids issued by Cambridge University Hospitals (Addenbrookes) are labelled with a yellow sticker with CUH or Addenbrookes on it. These can be returned to the Trumpington Park and Ride, there is a collection point in the visitors centre. CUH staff collect these for re-use by CUH.
By recycling walking aids, NHS England calculate that up to 98% of the CO2 emissions of making a new ones are saved. Aluminium manufacture is very high in generating green house gases, so as well as saving the equipment budget, we can do a tiny part to contribute to saving the planet.
Face to Face appointments – we can offer free face-to-face Will writing and legal advice appointments with local solicitors who have kindly offered a certain amount of appointments each month.
To book one of these appointments just contact Rachael, Future Gifts Manager on 01223 675881 or email
162 patients were supported via the Living Well Service, from April 2022 – March 2023.
Patient attending the Living Well Service‘The kindness of all the staff makes such a difference. I watched the faces of the people attending, and there was one lady who was really nervous, and it was her first week. She asked me if it was all right here, and I told her that she’d soon feel how special everyone is treated. She came back the next week and said I was absolutely right'.
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Katie, helps you to start planning for the future in this VIDEO
Physiotherapist, Aneta, shares information for coping with anxiety in this VIDEO
Our Occupational Therapist, Isobel, shares more about fatigue and sleep in this VIDEO
Physiotherapist, Aneta, guides you through our Introduction to Breathlessness in the VIDEO
Our Physiotherapist, Michelle, guides you through our Breathlessness Techniques VIDEO
Occupational Therapist, Isobel, shares a relaxing Mindfulness technique in this VIDEO
Physiotherapist, Michelle, shares useful, simple & calming relaxation tips in this VIDEO
Download a PDF with references and links mentioned in the videos HERE
Therapy Assistant, Sharron shares some exercises which can be done sitting down
Emma, jointly leads the Living Well team, supporting colleagues to deliver holistic and personally tailored programmes to each patient. She enjoys how the Living Well Service provides a safe space for patients to learn how to better manage their symptoms and talk about their wishes for future care. The team are passionate about empowering patients, whilst also having some fun in the process!
Andy and Oyin visit the Living Well Service to share tips and advice to avoid scams
Tim Turner shares historic mystery objects at a Living Well Session
Learn more about Anglesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire
Useful tips and strategies were shared at the Living Well Service session