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Ways to pay tribute to a loved one

  • 8 October 2020

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Staff picture of In Memory Giving Officer

So many things have changed since the pandemic struck, not least the restrictions on funerals. This is changing the way many of us are paying tribute to someone after they have died.

In Memory Giving Officer Chloe explains some of the ways you can still commemorate someone special.

Tribute pages 

One way to share memories and messages of condolence is to set up an online tribute page in memory of a loved one. This can then be shared with family and friends. You can add photos and anyone visiting the page can add a personalised tribute message.

Also you can collect tribute donations on behalf of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity or another charity of your choice. It can be comforting to read messages of condolence on a special page dedicated to a loved one.

Please click this link for more information.

Memory tree

Perhaps you would like to dedicate a bronze, silver or gold leaf on our Memory Tree, in memory of a loved one. We engrave your chosen leaf and then display it initially for one year, after which point it can be renewed.

The Tree is based at Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge and is displayed for all to see.

To dedicate a leaf to someone special please visit our Memory Tree page.

Light up a life

If you or someone you know has recently lost a loved one, Christmas can be a particularly poignant time. If you would like to pay tribute to someone this Christmas, you may like to take part in our Light Up a Life appeal.

Although it will be quite different this year due to the pandemic, all individuals who are remembered will still be featured in our book of remembrance. You will be invited to join a special screening of the Light Up a Life service, during which we will take time to remember those who have gone before.

Please click this link for more information.