Advice and signposting
As specialists in end of life care, our team are committed to helping you access the best training and information to support patients.
These resources are for Consultants, Doctors, GPs, Nurses, social and other healthcare professionals, looking for advice, training, or guidance about palliative care.

Discover more about ReSPECT, access palliative care guidelines and the Cambridge and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group‘s guidance on palliative care prescribing (including information leaflets for patients).
The Hospice’s Education Team hosts a full training programme in our Education & Conference Centre, offers bespoke off-site training and has a specialist library which can be accessed by healthcare professionals across the region.
If you cannot find the information you need here, on the referrals page, or in the Care Services pages, please contact us on 01223 675777 or make an enquiry here.