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CEO presents Care Certificates to Hospice at Home Healthcare Assistants
Healthcare Assistants, Alice Johnson and Sarah Wallis receive Care Certificates following training
Connecting with more people isolated at home
“I’d watch the clock and know Duncan was going to call in a few minutes”
Palliative Care Hub now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Find out more about our Palliative Care Hub now providing free out of hours support 24 hours a day, seven...
Clinical Hospice Colleagues work together with Cambridge Care Homes
Find out how Clinical Hospice Colleagues are working together with Cambridge Care homes and about Dying Matters Awareness Week 2022...
Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford assist with planting Spring bulbs
Rotary Club of Cambridge Rutherford recently came to the Hospice to help plant bulbs in the gardens
‘Help at Hand’ app launched
Easy to use app will help Arthur Rank Hospice Charity’s patients access practical support available in local community
An Unexpected Chapter – Hospice at Home
Taking a moment to reflect on changes implemented since the pandemic...
An interview with our new Hospice at Home Team Lead
As we welcome Jane Carpenter, our new Hospice at Home Team Lead, we ask her a few questions about her...
Bridge the Gap attracts support from the local business community
Bridge the Gap, which is taking place in a new format for 2020, has received fantastic support from local Cambridge...
Online pin board highlighting your messages of support
Hospice awarded NHS Parliamentary Award
“I was impressed by the high standard of all entries from the East of England this year and choosing between...
Cambridge Muslim Scout Group cheer on Cambridge Half Marathon Runners
The Cambridge Muslim Scout Group, along with students from the Cambridge University Islamic Society, support the TTP Cambridge Half Marathon
NatWest visitors share how to avoid scams with Hospice patients
Andy and Oyin visit the Living Well Service to share tips and advice to avoid scams
Knitted ‘Forget me not’ bears donated to the Hospice
Supporter, Helen Ellis shares her beautiful ‘Forget me not bears’ as she remembers her husband Nick
Amber’s Year of Challenges as a tribute to her Dad
I want to give back as much as I can and raise as much money as possible throughout the year,
Hospice patients engaged in curiosity and laughter with ‘mystery objects’
Tim Turner shares historic mystery objects at a Living Well Session
Giving Trees provide much-needed items for Hospice Charity Patients
The Leys School and Cambridge Building Society donate to the Charity via their Giving Trees
Complementary Therapist shares Reflexology tips with Hospice patients
Complementary Therapist, Marianna Armstrong shares the benefits of Reflexology
Walking for Charlie and the Hospice who cared for him
A family share how they remembered Charlie Washington who would have been 80 on the day of Bridge the Gap...
Donkeys bring joy to Mum at the Inpatient Unit at the Hospice
A devoted son arranged for a special, four legged visit, to his mum at the Hospice
EAAA Pilot touched by the kindness of colleagues as wife admitted to Hospice
“If it wasn’t for the Hospice it would have been a different story, we are so lucky – it was...
Ten year old Dexter shaves his hair in memory of his Grandad
For the past three years, he has been growing his hair—a symbol of his commitment and patience. Recently, Dexter decided...
Daughter cycles 100 miles in tribute to her parents who received hospice care
Read more about Carol Boston’s challenge and personal connection to the Charity