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Hospice supporters walk across the globe for patient’s care

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Female holding a certificate standing in front of a lake

Can you guess how far supporters have taken Step a Million to support people in Cambridgeshire living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition?

Step a Million challenges people to walk one million steps from Monday 8 January to Tuesday 16 April. It is expected that they will walk 10,000 steps over the 100 days but when 51 people signed up this year, the Charity had no idea that these steps would be taken so far from home, across the globe!

Stepping a Million in Canada and America

‘The Grizzlies’: Sarah Pelham, Alex Wilson and Philip Fletcher explained:

“One of our team lives in Canada, hence the team name, and has been walking on a treadmill, in his gym as it has been down to minus 30C outside for some time! He has done over 600,000 steps.

I have been in America for a while but have managed over 500,000 steps and our other team member walks every day to catch a bus and has clocked up over 600,000 steps too.”

Stepping a Million in France, India and New Zealand

Drinkstuff have been supporting Arthur Rank Hospice Charity as their Charity of the Year for several years and ten of their employees were keen to sign up to the Challenge.

Alex took some snowy steps whilst skiing in France, Rochelle travelled to India and Laura, took her steps all the way to New Zealand!

A group of males and females outside wearing coats, looking at the Camera
Laura (far right) from Drinkstuff walked Step a Million in New Zealand

In February they added:

“The rest of the team have been exploring the local scenery and we’ve been enjoying the wonderful views they’ve shared from their walks—complete with a Hot Numbers coffee to warm up those chilly strolls!

Our top stepper so far is our Operations Manager, Mark, with a whopping 789,570 steps! While there’s still a considerable distance ahead, we are confident that the team will conquer the challenge by April.”

Female wearing ski wear on snowy slope
Alex from Drinkstuff took her Step A Million Steps to France for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
One Million Steps to show gratitude for support and care

On 6 March Mandy Wootton completed her 1 million steps early, in 66 days and walked 460 miles whilst raising £735.00 for Hospice Care.

Green and white certificate saying 'I've walked 1 million steps Challenge complete! and a white star.

She explained her reasons for taking part in Step a Million:

“My Pops passed away peacefully at the Arthur Rank Hospice on 9th January 2021. Three years on, I started my 100-day One Million Step Challenge to show our gratitude for the support and care of the Hospice Team, which started way before those last few days of Pops’ life.

We are eternally grateful for their presence and kindness as his care became more complex during those last few months of 2020.”

Mandy was so inspired by the physical and mental benefits of the challenge, she posted on her enthuse page:

“To those who know me well, it’ll come as no great surprise to hear that I’ll be continuing my stepping for the rest of the year, with a personal goal to average 10,000 steps a day. Great for my mental well-being, my middle-age spread (4kg down so far!), and my butt & calves!!

Thank you for all the love, support and encouragement so far, it’s been overwhelming and utterly amazing!”

Stepping a Million to say Thank you

Cheryl Heasman also completed her 1 million steps prior to the end date, on 20 March and raised £1,505. She shared her heartfelt reasons for signing up and her motivation to keeping going:

“My husband David was so well cared for last year by Arthur Rank Hospice Charity. He spent over 17 weeks there on and off as they cared for him and tried to help him with his pain. We were lucky enough to share our last moments together at this amazing place where he died in peace and in no pain.

We made lots of happy memories on the way with family and friends and all the staff and volunteers became family to us.

His words on his first visit there was “Who is paying for all this?” Well, we all know the answer to that! It’s the fundraising that helps so much to keep this amazing place going.”

Part way through the challenge she shared:

“Yes, I’ve been inspired to do it [Step a Million] because of the care my husband had, but as I walk in the cold and wet starting on the 8th January I will do it for YOUR loved ones and those that YOU know.”

Female holding a certificate standing in front of a lake

After achieving her goal and on a very special day for her, she posted on her enthuse page:

“It’s March the 20th and I’m thrilled to report that I’ve done it – that’s 500 miles I’ve been told. In fact, I completed it on the 17th March and it had to be done by the 16th April!

I’ve chosen the 20th March to tell you the good news as this was the date I was aiming for. Why? Well, it’s a year ago today since David “Horace” was welcomed into Arthur Rank Hospice. He spent 17 weeks there during 2023 where he received excellent care. The saying goes “It’s a happy place where sad things happen”. He was fortunate to be there when he passed away peacefully.

Also today is special to me as it’s the first day of spring and it was on this date that he first proposed to me at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (and he didn’t like heights!)

AND it’s “National happiness day”. So, THANK YOU all for your support and donations that are still coming in as you will make Arthur Rank Hospice Charity happy and it will help them support our friends and relatives that pass through their doors.”

Headshot of a Female smiling a the camera
Gina Thomas, Events and Challenges Manager

Gina Thomas, Events and Challenges manager commented:

“Thank you so much to everyone who has completed their challenge and to all those who are still taking part. Your dedication and determination is greatly appreciated by everyone at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity as you are enabling care and support to be given to more Hospice patients and their loved ones.”

If you would like to support people in Cambridgeshire living with a living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition please visit or email or telephone 01223 675888.