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Step a Million

Step a Million is simple…. you have 100 days to walk 1 million steps, starting Monday 8 January 2024. What better way to start the new year? Get fit and raise funds for hospice care!

Thank YOU

Your support means our services can continue, free of charge. Thank you for helping us to reach our £4.44 million fundraising target this year.

Step a Million is simple…. you have 100 days (from 8 January -16 April 2024) to walk 1 million steps! 

As you enter a new year, and look forward to lighter longer days, there is something deeply revitalising about getting outdoors and exploring our local landscape. This is the perfect way to keep fit and support your local hospice services.

Your personal challenge or as a group?

In order to reach your 1 million steps, you need to accumulate an average of 10,000 steps every day. Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to get involved and keep each other motivated along the way. Go head to head to see who can reach 1 million steps first!

Help your local Hospice

By taking part in the challenge and being sponsored for your efforts, for 100 days every single step you take will be supporting people in Cambridgeshire living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition.

Look after your wellbeing

Walking 10,000 steps a day can also result in you feeling more energetic and awake, look after your blood pressure and heart health, sleep better and reduce stress levels.

Supporting you 

The entry fee for each individual is £12.50 and includes dedicated support from a member of our fundraising team throughout the 100 days. Complete the challenge and you’ll also receive a Step a Million 2024 keepsake! 

George Ginn walking in his high vis vest for Step A Million

You can read about our previous participants HERE

How it works:

  1. Sign up to the Step a Million Challenge HERE or click on the register to sign up button above. 
  2. Set up your fundraising page and ask your friends, family or colleagues to support you on your challenge (email if you need help with this). 
  3. Record your steps every day for 100 days. You could track the steps using your phone, a fitness watch, or a pedometer.
  4. Keep in touch with friends, family or colleague who are taking on the challenging to offer encouragement and see who reaches their million steps first. (You could set up your own WhatsApp group and share photos and encouraging motivations). 
  5. Complete 1 Million Steps before 16 April 2024, feel fitter and be proud of your amazing accomplishment supporting the vital work of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity. 


What does it cost to take part?

The entry fee is £12.50 and at the end of the challenge you will receive a Step a Million 2024 keepsake!

No. We understand that times are tough. Some individual walkers have raised £50 while other larger teams of walkers have raised over £2000. It is a flexible challenge, that anyone can do.

Walking is a low impact exercise with huge benefits to well-being. No training required and lots of time to complete 10,000 steps! If this is the first time you have attempted something like this or you are familiar with covering lots of miles every week, we think there is an opportunity for anyone to get involved.

To take part in our new year challenge, visit

Our fundraising team will stay in touch and we look forward to supporting you to reach 1 million steps!

Female outside smiling a the camera

Registrations are now OPEN!!

Register HERE or for more information please email

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