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Claire, Specialist Palliative Care Nurse

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Claire Walpole Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Where and when do you work?
I work full time at the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre  and also cover the Specialist Palliative Care Community Post when required.

What has surprised you about how you and your team have adapted since the pandemic?

What has surprised me about how my team have adapted since the pandemic hit is how positive the team has remained and how passionate about continuing to deliver services in the best possible way. We have also been able to deliver services differently so adapting to change has been a challenge but my team have been very motivated in doing so. When anyone in the team has felt low the others always have a way of lifting their mood and bringing them back.

What motivated you to become a nurse?

I looked after my granddad at home after he had a Cerebrovascular Accident- stroke (CVA) and this was the reason I went into nursing.

How long have you been a nurse?

I qualified in 1997.

In which areas of nursing have you had experience?

I have worked on an isolation ward after qualifying then on acute respiratory medical ward. After this I worked in the community as a District Nurse for 10 years prior to moving to the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy the patient facing care I give and being able to make a difference to how a patient feels both emotionally and physically.

How has nursing changed during your career?

Nursing has changed in many ways- the speed at which services are delivered, the paperwork, the responsibility put on nurses is far greater and the knowledge required to carry out a role is expected to be greater too.

What advice would you give yourself as a student nurse?

Always ask plenty of questions and never be afraid to ask or acknowledge your own limitations.

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Without our dedicated, and specialist nurses we could not achieve the vital care patients in your local community need. Could you help us to ensure our nurses are there for those in your street, the next village, and across our county facing a difficult time in their life?  Please see our Sponsor a Nurse page to find out more.