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Amanda, Community Sister -Fenland Hospice at Home

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Amanda Nurse at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Where do you work?

I am a Community Sister for the Fenland and East Cambs Hospice at Home team, working out of the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre at Wisbech.

What has surprised you about how you and your team have adapted since the pandemic?

We have an amazing team of committed and professional staff and I am endlessly amazed by their ongoing care and compassion throughout what has been an incredibly challenging time, dealing with PPE, endless testing, and all the ongoing restrictions to their personal lives.

What motivated you to become a nurse?

I worked in a London bank when I left school and hated having to try and meet sales targets all the time. I just wanted to help people.

How long have you been a nurse?

I started my training 30 years ago this year!

In which areas of nursing have you had experience?

I’ve done a bit of everything -surgical, medical, A&E, midwifery. In recent years I’ve worked in Children’s Services and was a Health Visitor for a number of years, specialising in supporting vulnerable families including those in refuges.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I feel it is an absolute privilege to be providing care and support during someone’s last days or hours. I enjoy the collaborative working between our team and the other professionals, but really enjoy building the supportive relationships with our patients and their families and being able to support our patients to be comfortable and peaceful as their time comes.

How has nursing changed during your career?

There have been lots of changes over the last thirty years -we wore hats and capes, had long nightingale wards, and there were no computers or mobile phones, but actually the essence of good nursing care hasn’t changed. Treating people with care and compassion continues to be the most important part of the job.

What advice would you give yourself as a student nurse?

Apart from “less parties, Amanda!”, probably to just relax and enjoy the experience and to try and learn as much as possible.

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Without our dedicated, and specialist nurses we could not achieve the vital care patients in your local community need. Could you help us to ensure our nurses are there for those in your street, the next village, and across our county facing a difficult time in their life?  Please see our Sponsor a Nurse page to find out more.