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Day Treatment Centre provides Palliative Care Service in the Fens

  • 28 June 2019

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Female nurse standing with equipment and male patient sitting on a chair

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity and Norfolk Hospice Tapping House have been working with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (C&PCCG) to streamline support offered in the community, to people living with a life-limiting illness in Wisbech and the Fens.

The Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre (AHDTC) an Arthur Rank Hospice Service, based at North Cambs Hospital in Wisbech, will now be providing a Community Specialist Palliative Care Service. This nursing service supports those with a life-limiting illness within their own home, 9.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday, ensuring integrated care within the patient’s home through close work between the Treatment Centre, the Hospice at Home team, GPs, District Nurses and wider community services.

Residents who were previously provided with this service by Norfolk Community Health and Care and Norfolk Hospice, will now be supported by the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre.

It will be available to patients who are registered with a GP practice within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group, predominantly those Practices in Wisbech.

A part time Clinical Nurse Specialist has been recruited and will be in post by September 2019. In the meantime, the AHDTC are triaging the calls and supporting depending on clinical priority.

The Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre, which has recently had its home at North Cambs Hospital expanded and redeveloped also provides clinical treatments, day therapy, bereavement and family support and complementary therapy for residents in the Fens who are living with a life-limiting illness.

Current inpatient provision is provided to three specialist palliative care beds situated on the Trafford Ward at North Cambs Hospital, supported by the specialist Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre team.

The Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House, continues to provide day therapy, bereavement support, and family and carer support for any patient living locally who requests it. Further discussions are required with C&PCCG, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity and The Norfolk Hospice Tapping House regarding patient choice for discharge, and preferred place of care for inpatient specialist support.

To be referred for any of these services, please contact your GP or specialist nurse and for further information visit our website.