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Funeral and memorial donations

Donations can be requested as part of your loved one’s funeral or celebration of life service.  

Empty bench in sunshine surrounded by lavendar

Family and friends see a memorial donation as a really thoughtful way to honour your loved one.

It means your loved one continues to be part of something positive.

Many take great comfort in knowing that their donation has helped to fund care for others in their community.

I know that Austin would be pleased that donations in his memory raised £2,545.50 for a charity close to his heart. It is true tribute to him.

Wife of Austin

How you can do this

Set-up a tribute page

This is your own personalised online page, dedicated to your loved one. Family and friends can visit the page and give a donation, and also leave messages. Click here for more information.

You can request collection envelopes from your Funeral Director or by contacting Abi Christine-Segust on 07423642040 or at

Friends and family can give an in-memory donation via our donate page. Each donation will be recorded in memory of your loved one. Visit here to make a donation.

Female smiling at the camera in front of brass and coloured leaves

Meet Abi

Abi is here for any questions you may have or if would like more information. Please contact Abi at or call 07423 642040.

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