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Facebook fundraising

Do you have a birthday coming up?  Maybe you are about to celebrate a special anniversary or marking another milestone.

You can now donate to and raise funds for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity on Facebook!

Creating your fundraiser

Facebook provides step by step instructions on how to become a ‘Fundraiser on Facebook’. To walk through these with Facebook please CLICK HERE or follow these instructions:

• Click Fundraisers in the left menu of your News Feed
• Click Raise Money
• Select Nonprofit/Charity
• Select ‘Arthur Rank Hospice Charity’ choose a cover photo (from those used previously by us, or by selecting your own)
• Fill in the fundraiser details
• Click Create

It would be great if you could drop us an email or give us a call to let us know you have set up a Facebook Fundraiser so we can look out for it and thank you at the end.

Setting up my fundraising page was so easy to do and by sharing it, I was soon up to my target

Facebook fundraiser


If you would like more information or some handy hints on how to set up your Facebook fundraiser, please call the fundraising team on 01223 675888 or email


Can I choose what my donation goes to specifically?

Sadly not, the donations received by all charities on Facebook are ‘unrestricted funds’ which means that your donation to Arthur Rank Hospice will be allocated to the all-important running costs of the Hospice. 

You will not be charged by being a ‘Fundraiser on Facebook’, if you live within the UK. 

At present there is no fee to the Charity either, when you chose to donate in this way. We will update the information provided on this page, should this change in the future.  

You can find out more here:

Donations may be eligible for Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer in the United Kingdom: this enables your donation to raise even more vital funds for us, at no extra cost to you 

Please note: as Facebook take minimal detail when a donation is made, HMRC does not currently support charities being able to claim Gift Aid.

As with all fundraising activity, the people you know and love are much more likely to donate to your page, than people you don’t know. Whilst your fundraising page is automatically shared on our ‘Fundraisers’ list on the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Facebook page once £50 has been reached (which may encourage extra donations) the best way to increase the total you raise is by sharing your ‘Fundraiser on Facebook’ personal hyper-link.

Most powerfully you can make your family, friends and wider networks aware of what you are doing by communicating with them ….via your own Facebook profile (or other social media platforms you might use), via email and (best of all!) through talking with them!

Facebook sends payment receipts when you make a donation. This will be sent to the primary email address listed on your Facebook account.

When the fundraising page has closed, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity will post a thank you and certificate on the fundraising page wall.  An individual thank you will not be sent to those who have made a donation to the fundraising page.


‘Fundraiser on Facebook’ pages appear on the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Facebook page when £50 has been raised. Once this amount has been achieved, your fundraising page, will appear in THIS LIST and can be seen by anyone who has ‘liked’ the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Facebook page. Please note that any personal information you share within your ‘Fundraiser on Facebook’ page will then be public.

Yes, as you will be donating through Facebook, Facebook securely stores your payment card or PayPal information once you’ve entered it for the first time. This means you can make future donations, without having to re-enter your information. You can remove or manage this information by going into your payment settings.

For an alternative way to make a donation to Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, please visit