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Important Conversations in End of Life Care

  • Education Centre, Arthur Rank Hospice, Cherry Hinton Road, Shelford Bottom, Cambridge
  • 07 September 2021
  • 13:00 - 17:00

Healthcare professionals can find it challenging to answer “difficult questions” and break bad news, as they may be giving distressing information. Supporting someone in these situations can be daunting as you may also be dealing with distress, anger or guilt. 

 This Study Day is aimed at: 

Suitable for healthcare professionals who are caring for palliative patients in any setting. 

 This experiential workshop will:

  • Identify obstacles / pitfalls to breaking bad news
  • Look atstrategiesfor breaking bad news 
  • Discuss how to support individuals receivingbad news
  • Discuss why some questions are ’difficult’
  • Explore techniques for answering difficult questions
  • Provide an opportunity to practice new skills


Course price


Diverse group of students at a table, being taught in the Hospice's Education & Conference Centre