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Advanced Communication Skills in Palliative Care (2 days)

  • ARHC
  • 24-25th June 2025
  • 09:30 - 16:30


This course aims to develop your skills and confidence when communicating with patients and families at the end of life. This course requires contribution from participants for a range of activities which may include the use of role play and working with an actor.

This Study Day is aimed at:

Suitable for registered healthcare professionals, who are having challenging conversations with palliative patients and their families.

We use a range of experiential techniques to:

  • To understand the importance of effective communication and the consequences of poor communication
  • Identify blocking and facilitating strategies used when communicating
  • Explore the impact of these strategies on communication at the end of life
  • Help participants to develop competence and confidence to discuss emotional concerns with patients and families
  • Practice communication skills
  • Explore the skills used when dealing with difficult scenarios at the end of life
  • Help participants feel more confident to have end of life discussions with patients and families
  • Discuss approaches to advance care planning discussions
  • Explore the impact of working with patients at the end of life on the professional, and look at strategies to manage this

Course price
