Weekly Virtual Quiz
Are you missing your Monday night fun due to COVID-19? We have your evening sorted with our weekly virtual quiz night!

That’s right, it’s time to take the classic pub quiz online and put your knowledge to the test with our weekly six round virtual quiz!
How do I play?
It only costs £2 per player to enter and the more people that play the bigger the prize pot – so please share this around your friends and family, get the snacks in and we’ll see you there for some armchair fun!!
There are cash prizes for first, second and third but it’s not about the winning, it’s all about the taking part and supporting this local charity at the same time.
Take part on your own or as a household team, you could even arrange a video call with family, friends or colleagues to enjoy the fun and compete against each other whilst you’re taking part.Sign up now and once you’ve paid you will be able to gain access to the quiz two hours before it is due to start. This is an automated quiz and starts promptly at 8.00pm so we recommend you join the waiting room a few minutes early so you’re good to go.
Quiz rounds
Round 1 – General Knowledge
Round 2 – Film & TV
Round 3 – General Knowledge
Round 4 – Sport
Round 5 – General Knowledge
Round 6 – Music
There are 5 questions in each round, with 20 seconds in which to answer. The quiz events are won by players that answer the most questions correctly and in the fastest time.
You can ‘Pass’ a question, however, this will be counted as an incorrect answer. If you run out of time to answer a question, this will be counted as an incorrect answer.
At the end of each round, the player will be shown their current quiz position. At the end of the final round, the final quiz result will be presented with every player’s finishing position, the amount of fundraising raised and the amount of winning players’ prizes.
The quiz will last for around 20-25 minutes.

Find out more
To find out more about community fundraising please contact Aisha, Alison or Bethany on community@arhc.org.uk or call 01223 675888