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Nigel Williams MB ChB


Retired General Medical Practitioner from Wisbech.

Started life in North East (Darlington). Aged 5 moved to the Wirral, Cheshire. Aged 15 moved to Birmingham.
Liverpool Medical School from 1970 to 1975. Two years at Walton Hospital, Liverpool. In 1977, I joined the King’s Lynn Vocational Training Scheme for General Practice.

While I was on the scheme, I was able to visit St. Joseph’s Hospice in London (1978). Having seen hospital care for the end of life, I realised what a major step the Hospice movement was; it gave people the choice to be cared for at home or in the Hospice; away from the disturbances and impersonal care available on many hospital wards.

In 1980 I was offered and accepted Partnership at the Old Market Surgery (Clarkson Surgery from 1983). I retired in 2011, then did some locum work for four years. Now I am fully retired.

During my time in East Anglia, I have been a member of the Family Practitioner Committee, North West Anglia Health Authority, Queen Elizabeth Hospital board, Vice-Chairman of Fenland Primary Care Group, Chairman of Fenland GPs. Also been Chairman of Governors at Emneth Primary School.

I am married; my wife is a nurse; we have four daughters and two grandchildren. I live in Emneth, not far from where the Reverend Awdry wrote some of the Thomas the Tank Engine books! Since retiring I have been kept busy with Freemasonry; part of which is raising money for charities, such as the Arthur Rank Hospice.

Nigel Williams