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We said a special thank you to our amazing volunteers during National Volunteers Week

  • 25 June 2021

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Some of our Volunteers at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity enjoying tea and cake in their Bistro during National Volunteers Week 2021

National Volunteers Week is an opportunity to highlight the amazing work of our volunteers, who support all teams across Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, and say a huge thank you. With over 600 volunteers across the entire Charity supporting us in all departments, we feel very privileged to be surrounded by such a lovely bunch. All of them are integral in helping us make every moment count for those who use our services.

Throughout the week of of 1-7 June we thanked our volunteers with chocolates and cards including a personal message from our Chief Executive Officer, Sharon Allen

Thank you does not seem enough to convey our gratitude to you for your flexibility, patience, understanding and commitment over the past year and a bit. You have been brilliant supporting us stepping down when we asked, stepping into different roles when we needed this, always with grace, understanding and lovely smiles. We say it often because it is true, we could not do what we do without you.”

We also shared a special video from our colleagues who wanted to convey their gratitude to all our volunteers: from the Alan Hudson Day Treatment Centre in Wisbech to our shops across Cambridgeshire to the Hospice at Shelford Bottom; they wanted to take a moment to say thank you.

During 2020’s National Volunteer Week, we were unable to come together due to the pandemic so it was with so much joy that we welcomed volunteers to join us for coffee and cake this time. It was a lovely opportunity for volunteers to meet one another as well as members of the Voluntary Services Team face to face again.

One of our volunteers, Chloe told us:

‘“It was wonderful to finally meet the other volunteers in a relaxed environment, talking and laughing!”

Mayors Volunteer for Cambridge Award which was awarded to Arthur Rank Hospice Charity for their outstanding voluntary service to the community of Cambridgeshire during the Coronavirus pandemic’.

It was also a good excuse to share our lovely certificate, which we proudly received in May, for the ‘Mayors Volunteer for Cambridge Award’ in recognition of our ‘outstanding voluntary service to the community of Cambridgeshire during the Coronavirus pandemic’.

Although at the beginning of the pandemic we were unable to continue many of the volunteer roles, fortunately we were able to stay in contact with them virtually via both video and telephone calls. We are so very grateful to all our volunteers who showed incredible versatility, resilience and understanding; from those who had to stay at home to protect others, to others taking on new roles such as supporting with testing at the Hospice which meant visitors could still visit loved ones.

We are looking forward to seeing more of our incredible volunteers this coming year!

Interested in volunteering? Join our award winning team and start making a difference today! For information on volunteering and details of roles available visit: