5 Stars (again!) for our Bistro
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Our Bistro at Shelford Bottom in Cambridge, prides itself on delivering a freshly prepared and home cooked menu of delicious items for patients, their visitors and the general public. Furthermore it has the additional responsibility of maintaining stringent cleanliness and hygiene practices, as you would expect from any establishment serving food.
We are pleased to announce that following the recent Environmental Health Officer (EHO) inspection we have been awarded 5 stars once again. This is the highest score given to any dinery following inspection and a 5 star means hygiene standards are very good.
Tsvety Marinova, Hospitality Manager at the Hospice explains more about the inspection:
“It is the responsibility of the business to comply with food hygiene law at all times. Each local authority plans a programme of inspections every year. A food safety officer from the local authority visits and inspects the business to check that it follows food hygiene law so that the food is safe to eat. The scheme gives businesses a rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online, so you as a customer, can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
Ratings are a snapshot of the standards of food hygiene found at the time of inspection. There is no notice or indication when this will take place. The idea behind the unexpected inspection is so the business can be seen in their true nature and dynamic. The time between inspections varies from six months for the highest risk businesses to two years for lower risk businesses. Our EHO inspection are more frequent in comparison to normal restaurants or bars because we are Hospice, and we are providing meals to patients”
She adds:
“We’ve always been rated with 5 stars which is the highest score, and I am very proud of the hard work from each team member in order this to be achieved! It is team effort on daily bases, and we are all responsible for it.
I would like to say HUGE Thank you to our Hospitality Team- Gerald Meah, Mike Walden, Alfonso Russo, Ming Truong and Aiden Maley for their commitment and professionalism!”