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End of Life Across the Faiths

  • ARHC
  • 13 June 2022
  • 13:00 - 16:30


Supporting your patient’s faith and beliefs at end of life helps to make a more dignified experience.

This Study Day is aimed at:

This study day is for health and social care professionals who are caring for palliative patients in any setting, community, hospital, care or nursing home.

 By the end of this workshop learners will:

  • Explore end of life issues across the faiths: Islam, Buddhism, Judaism & Christianity. (Subject to availability of each faith representative.)
  • Understand personal belief systems and culture in spiritual wellbeing
  • Consider how grief theory can help our understanding
  • Discuss how to help people live in the present but with knowledge of the future
  • Engage in case studies

Course price


Diverse group of students at a table, being taught in the Hospice's Education & Conference Centre