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Teacher shaves hair for Charity

  • 19 July 2021

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A female with long hair next to another photo of the same female with their long hair cut off

Your hair is probably one of your most identifying features so to shave it all off can be counted amongst one of the bravest things to do but that is exactly what Stephanie O’Reilly, a teacher at St Faith’s School in Cambridge, has done.

Stephanie has cut off  over 45cm of long brown curly hair and sent it to the Little Princess Trust to be turned into a wig for a child in need whilst raising over £750 for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.

Supporting two charities that are close to her heart Stephanie says:

“I was stunned by the generosity of people around me and I am very pleased to have been able to raise this much money for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.”

This is the third time Stephanie has cut her hair for charity and is hoping to do the same thing again in a few years’ time.

If you would like to know more or donate money to Stephanie’s challenge please visit her Just Giving page.

If you have been inspired and are feeling brave enough to shave your hair, please contact the fundraising team on or call 01223 675888.